Sunflower Oil "Petrovskie Nivy" РўРњ - 200 g
Sugar "Petrovskie Nivy"
Vanilla 1 g
Raisins - 100 g
Warm Water - 600 g
Yeast - 2 tbsp
Wheat bread-flour of high quality by state standard "Petrovskie Nivy"
Cooking time - 60 minutes
Number of servings – 6
Dissolve yeast in warm water, add sugar, vanilla, sunflower oil and raisins.
Add flour and knead the dough, leave it in a warm place for 15 - 20 minutes.
Form a flagella from the dough, weave them into braid. Oil with the syrup. Bake on a greased baking sheet at 200C until golden brown.
Bon Appetit!
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